عدس الماء Lemna minor
ينتمي نبات عدس الماء أوعشب البط Duck weed الى العائلة اللمنية Lemnaceae وتوجد ثلاثة أنواع من هذه العائلة في العراق , نوعان منها ينتشران في المناطق الشمالية وهما L.Trisuucla ,lemna minor اما النوع الثالث L.gibba فيتركز المناطق الوسطى والجنوبية
ويغطي نبات عدس الماء مساحات واسعة من الأنهار أو مبازل المياهالثقيلة
ويوجدفي جميع أنحاء المناطق المعتدلة
وينتشر في مدينة كربلاء في مبزل الرزازة الذي ينقل المياهالثقيلة إلى بحيرة الرزازة وبطول 26 كم وبعرض 23 متر ويغطي هذا النبات 90% منمساحته المائية.
يحتوي عدس الماء على متطلبات غذائية عالية , فقد تبين أن مايحتويه من بروتين يعتمد على نوعية الوسط المائي الذي يعيش فيه, فإذا كان الوسطالمائي غنياً بالمغذيات تراوحت نسبة البروتين بين 43 -35% من الوزن الجاف وأكد أنبروتين عدس الماء يحتوي على أحماض الأمينية.
ويتضمن نحو 35 ٪ بروتين ؛ من الكربوهيدرات يتراوح بين 14 ٪ -- 43 ٪ و 10 ٪ -- 15 ٪ من الدهون. بقيتة هو الالياف الغذائية
وهو معروف انه غذاء للأسماك ولكن00
ذكر هنا انه علاج فعال للبهاق والصدفيه
About Lemna minor
Family Lemnaceae
Lemna, from the Greek, lemna, "water-plant, star-grass, Callitriche verna"
minor, from the Latin, "lesser"
Common Name, from its size relative to that of the other common North American duckweed, Greater Duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza)
minor, from the Latin, "lesser"
Common Name, from its size relative to that of the other common North American duckweed, Greater Duckweed (Spirodela polyrhiza)
Kingdom Plantae, the Plants
Division Magnoliophyta, the Angiosperms (flowering plants)
Class Liliopsida, the Monocotyledons
Subclass Arecidae, the Arum
Order Arales, the Arum
Family Lemnaceae, the Duckweeds As a result of their adaptation to aquatic habitats, they are among the smallest and simplest of the flowering plants, floating monocotyledons, only 1-15mm in size.
Genus Lemna, 13 species worldwide
Division Magnoliophyta, the Angiosperms (flowering plants)
Class Liliopsida, the Monocotyledons
Subclass Arecidae, the Arum
Order Arales, the Arum
Family Lemnaceae, the Duckweeds As a result of their adaptation to aquatic habitats, they are among the smallest and simplest of the flowering plants, floating monocotyledons, only 1-15mm in size.
Genus Lemna, 13 species worldwide
Widespread throughout temperate regions of the northern and southern hemispheres, including North America, Eurasia, Australia, and New Zealand.
Habitat: Freshwater ponds, marshes, lakes, and quiet streams.
Spreads rapidly across quiet bodies of water rich in nutrients, growing best in water with high levels of nitrogen and phosphate. Iron is often limiting. Can tolerate a wide pH range, but survives best between 4.5 and 7.5.
Habitat: Freshwater ponds, marshes, lakes, and quiet streams.
Spreads rapidly across quiet bodies of water rich in nutrients, growing best in water with high levels of nitrogen and phosphate. Iron is often limiting. Can tolerate a wide pH range, but survives best between 4.5 and 7.5.
Optimal conditions for growth are quiet streams and ponds
Time of bloom is May, September. Bloom is very rare.
Occurs almost everywhere except the Arctic.
Lemna growing in ponds. Composition: Contains protein, iodine, bromine, calcium, silicon, iron.
Lemna at dry state contains about 35% protein; content of carbohydrates varies between 14% - 43% and 10% - 15% of fat. The rest is dietary fiber. Protein of Lemna is notable for high consumer s property. With the exception of methionine, cysteine and tryptophan the protein of Lemna contains all necessary amino acids in quantity, which corresponds to norms of World Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO). As far as content of necessary amino acids is concern Lemna excels such cereals as corn and rice and Lemna enriches with lizine, arginine, aspartatic and glutaminic acids. Lemna is rich in vitamins A1, B1, B2, B6, C, especially in vitamin E (about 0,5 mg/g weight at dry state) and PP (B5) (about 0,8 mg/g weight at dry state). Besides this Lemna contains anthocyanins, flavonoids, copper salt, bromine salt, iron salt, calcium salt and cilicon salt.
Lemna effectively used in the treatment of Vitiligo
Vitiligo treatment, vitiligo, leukoderma, psoriasis, skin, vitilem
Lemna miniscula :
Lemna minuta est originaire des régions tempérées et subtropicales d'Amérique du Nord, Centrale et du Sud. Cette espèce relève de la section Uninerves du genre Lemna, caractérisée par une seule nervure par fronde. Une seconde espèce, américaine également, appartient à cette section, Lemna valdiviana Phil. Elles sont difficiles à distinguer en l'absence de fruits, seule Lemna miniscula s'est naturalisée en dehors du continent américain. Lemna miniscula se différencie de Lemna minor L. par sa très petite taille, sa forme moins arrondie et par certains caractères |
Spirodela polyrhiza :
Noms Communs Lenticule à nombreuses racines, Lentille-d'eau à nombreuses racines, Spirodèle à plusieurs racines Plante annuelle, flottante ; frondes émettant chacune plusieurs fibres radicales réunies en faisceau, obovales-suborbiculaires, les plus grandes du genre (4 à 8 mm. de large), un peu épaisses, opaques, planes des deux côtés, vertes et munies en dessus de 3-4 nervures palmées, convergentes au sommet, distinctes surtout sur le sec, brun rougeâtre en dessous ; anthères à 2 loges collatérales, s'ouvrant en long ; fruit à 1, rarement 2 graines. Fossés, eaux stagnantes, dans presque toute la France. Presque toutes les régions du globe. |
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