
الخميس، 19 أبريل 2018

15.. Facts That Could Make You The Most Captivating Person In The Room..

15 Facts That Could Make You The Most Captivating Person In The Room.

There are a lot of facts floating around, which to a regular Joe are kind of useless. However, it's always nice to learn a few things about the world we live in, because you never know what facts might surprise us and be totally useful. Knowledge can make small talk or party games interesting as heck!

One Dollar

One Dollar
iStock Photo
Take the one dollar bill, for example. The design has remained the same since 1963, which makes it the oldest design still being used. In fact, The Federal Reserve and the Bureau of Engraving doesn't waste time with new security measures on the bill because it doesn't have a good return of investment on counterfeited bills.
You'll love this trivia fact if you're into card tricks.

Random Shuffling

Random Shuffling
Johnny Blood
You make history when you shuffle a deck of cards, but it's not because you're a pro at shuffling. It's because there are countless ways that you can shuffle a 52-card deck. So, whenever you shuffle a deck, you're creating a random order that probably no one else has stumbled across before.
Did you know that spit is a great pain reliever?

Pain-Relieving Spit

Pain-Relieving Spit
Wikimedia Commons/Pereru
Human saliva contains a chemical called opiorphin. According to science, it's a far more effective painkiller than morphine. It works by activating enkephalins, natural opioids which are found in your spinal cord. The painkilling effect is believed to be stronger than morphine. Opiorphin prevents enkephalins from breaking down, resulting in a natural pain-killing effect.
The way things taste will change over time, so make sure to eat your favorite foods now before you get old.

Taste Won't Last Forever

Taste Won't Last Forever
Kevin Sommer Giron
Like everything else in our bodies, taste buds will age. In fact, the number of taste buds on your tongue will diminish once you hit 40. By the time that you turn 60, you'll have lost more than half of your original taste buds. If that wasn't bad enough, your sense of smell will get worse too after you reach the age of 70.
Did you know that the world has colors you can't perceive?

Everyone Is Color Blind... Sort Of

Everyone Is Color Blind... Sort Of
They're known as forbidden colors, and some mixtures like red-green or yellow-blue produce frequencies that make it impossible for our eyes to process. So, in essence, we can't see them. That's because every color frequency fires up or dampens different neurons, while other color frequencies cancel out the effect, pushing the color out of our perceptual range.
Your nose dozes off when you sleep.

Your Nose Sleeps Too

Your Nose Sleeps Too
Chad Fitz
You know that your sense of touch, sight and hearing work even when you sleep. That's why a noise, a light, or a touch can wake you in an instant. But when it comes to your sense of smell, scientists have learned that odors themselves will not jolt someone from their otherwise peaceful dream-like state.
We have stars inside each and every one of us.

You're Stardust

You're Stardust
Humans are made up of oxygen, carbon, iron, and calcium, but these elements existed long before the Earth was created. As a matter of fact, these elements were created within the core of stars. Eventually, stellar winds spread the elements across space, where it eventually reached our planet. This suggests that we all have a bit of stardust in each of us.
Were you aware that your body is a biological engine?

The Living, Breathing Engine

The Living, Breathing Engine
Fort Madison Community Hospital
The energy you have to function during the day gets produced by the organs in your body. But the organ that works the most is your heart, which creates so much daily energy, it could drive a truck up to 20 miles. Over a lifetime, your heart would create enough energy to take a round trip to the moon.
Were you bad at trigonometry? You should have looked at your hands.

Angling Your Hand's Cheat Sheet

Angling Your Hand's Cheat Sheet
Deposit Photos
If you spread your fingers all the way, you can use the gap between each of them to figure out the degrees of an angle. The 0° is represented by the smallest finger, and the angle between that and your thumb is 90°. Your other fingers include 30°, 45°, and 60° degree-angles more or less.
Don't worry if your memory sucks and you don't recall how many days each month has. Seriously...

Use Your Knuckles

Use Your Knuckles
Deposit Photos
Make a fist and count the months using the knuckles on your hand. It's actually very simple. Each gap and bump represent a separate month, going twice over each of your knuckles. Months with 31 days land on the knuckle bump. If the month lands on one of the gaps, they have 30 days or less.
Were you aware that fetuses have the power to heal?

Healing In The Womb

Fetuses are miraculous little lifesavers, according to researchers. If a pregnant mother suffers injury to her internal organs, the fetus will use its stem cells to help the injured organ regenerate, which ultimately increases the healing time. This process is known as "fetomaternal transfer."
You'll definitely turn green by this fact if you're really envious.

The Friendship Paradox

The Friendship Paradox
photosbyChloeMuro / Flickr
Most folks have less friends than their friends have. This is a social phenomenon which has been dubbed the "friendship paradox." Sociologist Scott L. Feld was the first to notice this back in 1991. There's a long and dreary mathematical equation for this theory, but it would probably knock you out cold.
Have you ever wondered if clouds are really light-weight?

Not So Fluffy Clouds

Not So Fluffy Clouds
Krish Dulal
We assume that clouds are light as a feather, but the opposite is true. Clouds are made of ice crystals and water drops, which make them heavy. In fact, a cumulus cloud weighs 550 tons, which is more or less about 100 elephants, and a cloud in a thunderstorm weighs about 200,000 elephants. But warm air keeps them from crashing down on us.
This next trivia proves your eyes are deceiving you.

A Different Perspective

A Different Perspective
JonnyBoiiii / Reddit
A street light seems smaller when we're inside a car, but we all know that street lights are a lot bigger than the typical adult. So, this illusion is caused by the way we see objects based on distance and perspective. But there are plenty of optical illusions that prove that this phenomenon isn't limited to just street lights.
Have you had a makeover recently?

The Atomic Makeover

The Atomic Makeover
Spiritual Movement / YouTube
Whether we want to or not, 98% of our atoms get replaced every year. But despite this rejuvenating phenomenon, we continue to get older and older. This is because our DNA is self-replicating and as the years go by, our DNA will likely continue to copy mistakes more and more. Of course, free radicals, which get released by oxygen, also play a major role as we continue to age.

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