- Aiskhunephobia – fear of shame (branch of animotophobia)
- Anapsychiphobia – fear of amazement (branch of animotophobia)
- Anchophobia – fear of anxiety (branch of animotophobia)
- Angrophobia, Iraphobia – fear of anger (branch of animotophobia)
- Animotophobia – fear of having or showing emotions
- Anisychiaphobia – fear of worry (branch of animotophobia)
- Apogoitefsiphobia – fear of disappointment (branch of animotophobia)
- Charaphobia – fear of joy (branch of animotophobia)
- Culpaphobia – fear of guilt (branch of animotophobia)
- Ekplixiphobia – fear of surprise (branch of animotophobia)
- Embarrassmentphobia – fear of embarrassment (branch of animotophobia)
- Endiaferonphobia – fear of interest (branch of animotophobia)
- Enochlisiphobia – fear of annoyance (branch of animotophobia)
- Enthousiasmophobia – fear of enthusiasm (branch of animotophobia)
- Epithymiaphobia – fear of desire (branch of animotophobia)
- Epliphobia – fear of hope (branch of animotophobia)
- Erotophobia – fear of love (branch of animotophobia
- Foedophobia – fear of disgust (branch of animotophobia)
- Frustrationphobia – fear of frustration (branch of animotophobia)
- Hormephobia – fear of shock (branch of animotophobia)
- Horrorphobia – fear of horror (branch of animotophobia)
- Humiliationphobia – fear of humiliation (branch of animotophobia)
- Laetophobia – fear of happiness (branch of animotophobia)
- Lypiphobia – fear of regret (branch of animotophobia)
- Lyssophobia – fear of becoming mad (branch of animotophobia)
- Misophobia – fear of hatred (branch of animotophobia)
- Nostalgiaphobia – fear of nostalgia (branch of animotophobia)
- Panikophobia – fear of panic (branch of animotophobia)
- Periergeiaphobia – fear of curiosity (branch of animotophobia)
- Philophobia (fear of falling in love) – fear of love, falling in love or being in love: filosphiloerotophobia (branch of animotophobia)
- Plixiphobia – fear of boredom (branch of animotophobia)
- Thavmaphobia – fear of wonder (branch of animotophobia)
- Timidophobia, Pavidophobia – fear of shyness (branch of animotophobia)
- Tromophobia – fear of terror (branch of animotophobia)
- Tronicteliponitrianirikssiophobia – fear of feeling that your body is turned inside out (branch of animotophobia)
- Tristophobia, Maestophobia – fear of sorrow and sadness (branch of animotophobia)
- Yperifaneiaphobia – fear of pride (branch of animotophobia & homophobia)
- Zelophobia – fear of jealousy (branch of animotophobia)
Phobias of diseases and disorders
- Albuminurophobia – fear of kidney disease (branch of ataxophobia and pathophobia)
- Allergiphobia – fear of allergies (branch of ataxophobia and pathophobia)
- Anaphylaxophobia – fear of anaphylaxis (branch of pathophobia)
- Ataxophobia – fear of disorders
- Autisticaphobia – fear of Autistic Spectrum Disorders (branch of ataxophobia)
- Aydehadophobia – fear of ADHD (branch of ataxophobia)
- Cancerophobia - fear of developing cancer (branch of pathophobia)
- Carcinophobia – fear of cancer (branch of ataxophobia and pathophobia)
- Cholerophobia – fear of cholera (branch of ataxophobia and pathophobia)
- Coprastasophobia – fear of constipation (branch of ataxophobia and pathophobia)
- Cypridophobia (fear of sexually transmitted disease (branch of cyprinophobia)), Cypriphobia (fear of prostitutes or venereal disease (branch of cyprianophobia)), Cyprinophobia (fear of prostitutes or sexually transmitted disease), Cyprianophobia (also fear of sex) – fear of prostitutes or venereal disease (branch of pathophobia)
- Defacaloesiophobia – fear of painful bowels movements (branch of pathophobia)
- Dementiaphobia – fear of dementia (branch of pathophobia)
- Dermatosiophobia – fear of skin disease (branch of pathophobia)
- Diabetophobia – fear of diabetes (branch of pathophobia)
- Dyscalculiaphobia – fear of dyscalculia (branch of ataxophobia and pathophobia)
- Dysgraphiaphobia – fear of dysgraphia (branch of ataxophobia and pathophobia)
- Dyslexiaphobia – fear of dyslexia (branch of ataxophobia and pathophobia)
- Hydrophobophobia – fear of rabies (branch of kynophobia and pathophobia)
- Hylephobia – fear of epilepsy (branch of pathophobia)
- Kefalalgiaphobia – fear of headaches (branch of pathophobia)
- Meningitophobia – fear of brain disease (branch of pathophobia)
- Monopathophobia – fear of definite disease (branch of pathophobia)
- Nosomentophobia – fear of mental illness (branch of pathophobia)
- Nosophobia – fear of becoming ill (branch of nosemaphobia)
- Nosemaphobia - fear of illness (branch of pathophobia)
- OCDphobia – fear of obsessive-compulsive disorder (branch of ataxophobia and pathophobia)
- Pathophobia – fear of diseases
- Pellagrophobia – fear of pellagra (branch of pathophobia)
- Phobophobophobia – fear of developing phobophobia (branch of ataxophobia)
- pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosisocazoiopustropusopusoashiososinhalopotropopopobophobia - fear of pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis (branch of pathophobia)
- Poliosophobia – fear of contracting poliomyelitis (branch of pathophobia)
- Pyrexiophobia - fear of fever
- Rectophobia – fear of rectal diseases (branch of pathophobia)
- Scabiophobia – fear of scabies (branch of dermatosiophobia and pathophobia)
- Syphilophobia – fear of syphilis (branch of pathophobia)
- Tetanophobia – fear of lockjaw or tetanus (branch of pathophobia)
- Tourettephobia – fear of Tourette syndrome (branch of ataxophobia and pathophobia)
- Trichinophobia – fear of trichinosis (branch of pathophobia)
- Tuberculophobia – fear of tuberculosis (branch of pathophobia)
- Vaccinophobia – fear of vaccines (branch of ataxophobia and pathophobia)
Phobias of things
Acousticophobia – fear of noises (branch of audiophobia)- Adamophobia – fear of diamonds
- Adiafanophobia – fear of opaque objects
- Advertisementphobia – fear of advertisements
- Aeriophobia – fear of gases
- Aerosakaphobia – fear of airbags
- Aichmophobia – fear of sharp or pointed objects (such as a needle or knife)
- Aircophobia – fear of air conditioners, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Airuniphobia – fear of air conditioning units, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Allodoxaphobia – fear of different people's opinions
- Altocelarophobia – fear of high ceilings, branch of celarophobia (fear of ceilings
- Anatolephobia – fear of east
- Anemistiraphobia – fear of fans, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Animaphobia – fear of souls
- Antanaklophobia – fear of reflections
- Antennaphobia – fear of antennae
- Apeirophobia – fear of infinity or eternity
- Apostasiphobia – fear of distances
- Arachtophobia – fear of artificial intelligence
- Archeiothikiphobia – fear of file cabinets
- Armarophobia – fear of cupboards, branch of epiplaphobia (fear of furnitures)
- Arpaphobia – fear of harps, branch of gakkiphobia (fear of musical instruments)
- Artemophobia – fear of art
- Athlemaphobia, Athlematophobia – fear of sports
- Aulophobia – fear of flutes, branch of gakkiphobia (fear of musical instruments)
- Autokeraphobia – fear of car horns
- Autoplenophobia – fear of car washes
- Automatonophobia – fear of humanoid figures
- Bahnubophobia – fear of railroad crossings
- Balteusphobia – fear of belts
- Banmaxianphobia – fear of crosswalks
- Balticophobia – fear of photocopiers
- Ballistophobia – fear of missles and bullets
- Barophobia – fear of gravity
- Bathmophobia – fear of stairs or steep slopes
- Batterophobia – fear of batteries
- Beepophobia – fear of beeping sounds
- Belonephobia – fear of pins and needles (branch of aichmophobia)
- Biblephobia – fear of Bibles
- Bibliophobia – fear of books
- Billboardphobia – fear of billboards
- Bijixphobia - fear of laptops computers
- Binoculophobia – fear of binoculars
- B💡mpnophobia – fear of empty boxes
- Blenderphobia – fear of blenders
- Bracesphobia – fear of dental braces
- Br★gnophobia - fear of icemakers
- Bodenstandophobia – fear of grandfather clocks
- Boogieboardphobia – fear of boogieboards
- Bowlingphobia - fear of bowling
- Buhuajiphobia - fear of walkie-talkies
- Buzzophobia - fear of buzzing sounds
- Bwaopiphobia - fear of X-ray machines
- Bwaukphobia - fear of library books
- B6ndzophobia - fear of blow torches
- B&cophobia - fear of pizza cutters
- Caelophobia – fear of the sky
- Calculaphobia – fear of calculators
- C🐕mbophobia – fear of cardboard boxes
- Camcorderphobia – fear of camcorders
- Cameraphobia – fear of cameras
- Cassettophobia – fear of cassette tapes
- Catastolephobia – fear of repression or repressive culture/countries
- Cathedraphobia – fear of chairs, branch of epiplaphobia (fear of furnitures)
- Catoptrophobia – fear of mirrors, branch of oikophobia (fear of home surroundings)
- Celarophobia – fear of ceilings
- Charakaphobia – fear of rulers
- Chartiphobia – fear of charts
- Chedoangphobia - fear of driveways
- Chekuxishophobia – fear of garage sinks
- Chionofysophobia – fear of snow blowers
- Chloephobia – fear of newspapers (branch of papyrophobia)
- Chreostikikartaphobia – fear of debit cards
- Chrometophobia – fear of money
- Chronomentrophobia – fear of clocks
- Chufxishophobia – fear of kitchen sinks
- Cistulaphobia – fear of cabinets, branch of oikophobia (fear of home surroundings)
- Citharaphobia – fear of guitars, branch of gakkiphobia (fear of musical instruments)
- Cleithrophobia - fear of being trapped, branch of panphobia (fear of all)
- Clinephobia – fear of beds, branch of epiplaphobia (fear of furnitures)
- Cloacaphobia – fear of sewers
- Colimbophobia – fear of swimming pool, branch of aquaphobia (fear of water)
- Commercialphobia – fear of commercials
- Compassphobia – fear of compasses
- Confettiphobia – fear of confetti
- Consecotaleophobia – fear of chopsticks
- Controsoffittophobia – fear of counter tops
- Cranophobia – fear of helmets
- Cremnophobia – fear of precipices
- Crystallophobia – fear of crystals
- Cuprolaminophobia – fear of coins
- Cuprophobia – fear of copper and bronze
- Cyberphobia – fear of computers, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Cymophobia – fear of waves or wave-like motions
- Dachoingphobia - fear of power tools
- Dartboardphobia - fear of dartboards
- Dartophobia - fear of darts
- Defenestraphobia – fear of windows
- Dekanikiphobia – fear of crutches
- Dengpaophobia – fear of light bulbs
- Dentodrapanophobia – fear of dental drills
- Denturephobia – fear of dentures
- Dextrophobia – fear of objects at the right side of the body
- Diafanophobia – fear of transparent objects
- Diaperphobia – fear of diapers, branch of vestiphobia (fear of clothing)
- Diastimaphobia – fear of physical space
- Diathlasophobia – fear of refractions
- Dikephobia – fear of justice
- Dimephobia – fear of dimes
- Dingophobia – fear of dinging sounds
- Dinophobia – fear of dizziness or whirlpools
- Dishleprophobia – fear of dishwashers, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Disneyphobia – fear of The Walt Disney Company
- Dizoangphobia - fear of electric generators
- Dlitophobia - fear of gas grills
- Doorbellphobia – fear of doorbells
- Doraphobia – fear of fur or skins of animals
- Dorngophobia - fear of plasma globes
- Drapanophobia – fear of drills
- Dr🛵kronphobia – fear of dark walls
- Dulunchephobia – fear of wheelbarrows
- Dumasaphobia – fear of stupid things
- Dumpsterphobia – fear of dumpsters
- Duophobia – fear of pairs
- Dusiphobia – fear of west
- D🚲bgophobia – fear of tea bags
- Drogerphobia – fear of clothes dryers, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- DVDphobia – fear of DVDs
- Eapalliophobia – fear of rugs
- Earmuffphobia – fear of earmuffs
- Ebulliophobia – fear of bubbles
- Oikophobia – fear of home surroundings
- Eiffelturriphobia – fear of Eiffel Tower, branch of turriphobia (fear of towers)
- Eisoptrophobia – fear of your own reflection in a mirror
- Electrophobia – fear of electricity
- Elevatophobia, Elevaphobia – fear of elevators
- Emailphobia – fear of email
- Energyphobia – fear of energy
- Enissophobia – fear of criticism
- Entamaphobia – fear of doors
- Enydreiophobia – fear of fishtanks
- Epiplaphobia – fear of furnitures, branch of oikophobia (fear of home surroundings)
- Epistolaphobia – fear of epistles
- Epistemophobia – fear of knowledge
- Ergaleiophobia – fear of tools
- Erythophobia, Ereuthophobia – fear of redlights
- Escalaphobia, Escalatophobia, Roltraphobia – fear of escalators
- Esorouchaphobia – fear of underwear, branch of vestiphobia (fear of clothing)
- Ethismosophobia – fear of addiction
- Euphobia - fear of good news
- Eupistophobia – fear of faith
- Evodiaphobia – fear of pleasant smell, branch of osmophobia (fear of smells or odors)
- Fadchoongphobia - fear of power plants
- Fasciolisphobia – fear of hoses
- Fakelophobia – fear of envelopes
- Fakosphobia – fear of flashlights
- Fanariphobia – fear of traffic lights
- Farasiphobia – fear of dustpans
- Fenbanphobia – fear of chalkboards
- Feretrophobia – fear of caskets
- Ferrophobia – fear of iron
- Fictophobia – fear of fiction
- Filophobia – fear of wires
- Firehydrantphobia – fear of fire hydrants
- Flasciphobia – fear of bottles
- Flitzaniphobia – fear of cups
- Flitzanisagiouphobia – fear of teacups
- Focophobia – fear of fireplaces, branch of oikophobia (fear of home surroundings)
- Fooniphobia – fear of blow-dryers
- Foremaphobia – fear of dresses
- Formidophobia – fear of scarecrows
- Fornaciphobia – fear of furnaces, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Forumphobia – fear of internet forums
- Fossilphobia – fear of fossils
- Fournophobia – fear of ovens, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Foustaphobia – fear of skirts
- Frachtiphobia – fear of fences
- Fragmaphobia – fear of dams
- Frearphobia – fear of wells
- Frenophobia – fear of brakes
- Fr%plophobia - fear of Styrofoam cups
- Fumiphobia – fear of smoke
- Furngzuphobia - fear of kitchen tables
- Fwautphobia - fear of foot massagers
- Fwongiphobia - fear of public swimming pools
- Fyllofysophobia – fear of leaf blowers
- Gakkiphobia – fear of musical instruments
- Gasgaugephobia – fear of gas gauges
- Gaspedalphobia – fear of gas pedals
- Geliophobia - fear of laughter
- Geumaphobia – fear of taste
- G🔋nobphobia – fear of long hallways
- Gleymophobia - fear of eyeglasses
- Globophobia – fear of balloons
- Gl÷ndophobia - fear of tin cans
- Googlephobia – fear of search engines
- Gouwuchephobia – fear of shopping carts
- Grafeiophobia, Mensamophobia – fear of desks, branch of epiplaphobia (fear of furnitures)
- Graffitiphobia – fear of graffiti
- Grammatosimophobia – fear of postal stamps
- Grandslamwichphobia - fear of grand slamwich
- Gr?sophobia - fear of circular saws
- Gyaliailiouphobia – fear of sunglasses
- G4gophobia - fear of air horns
- Hagiophobia – fear of holy things
- Handcuffphobia – fear of handcuffs
- Headlightphobia – fear of headlights
- Headphonophobia – fear of headphones
- Hearingaidphobia – fear of hearing aids
- Hedgetrophobia – fear of hedge trimmers
- Heizgephobia – fear of heaters, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Heresyphobia, Hereiophobia – fear of challenges to official doctrine or of radical deviation
- Herpetophobia – fear of creepy, crawly things
- Hibernicaphobia – fear of carpets, branch of oikophobia (fear of home surroundings)
- Hierophobia – fear of sacred thin
- Hleguphobia - fear of black lights
- Hmoshgophobia - fear of dirty laundry
- Hnirshunphobia - fear of dirty dishes
- Hockeyphobia – fear of hockey
- Hoplophobia – fear of weapons, specifically firearms
- Hosephobia - fear of hoses
- H🎵grenphobia – fear of heavy bags
- Hrongyophobia - fear of lava lamps
- Humorphobia - fear of humor
- Hyelophobia – fear of glass
- Hygrophobia – fear of liquids, dampness, or moisture
- Hylephobia – fear of materialism
- Hypengyophobia – fear of responsibility
- H8pophobia - fear of flamethrowers
- Iconophobia – fear of icons
- Ideophobia – fear of intellect
- Imerologiophobia – fear of calendars
- Intercomphobia – fear of intercoms
- Internetphobia – fear of the internet
- Jijingphobia - fear of car alarms
- Jukeboxophobia – fear of jukeboxes
- Julelophobia – fear of Christmas lights
- J9dobphobia - fear of hot tubs
- Kafetiphobia – fear of coffeemakers, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliance
- Kalathiphobia – fear of baskets
- Kaltsaphobia – fear of socks, branch of vestiphobia (fear of clothing)
- Kamarakiphobia – fear of closets
- Kampanaphobia – fear of bells
- Kanayaphobia – fear of chainsaws
- Kapelaphobia – fear of hats, branch of vestiphobia (fear of clothing)
- Karazphobia – fear of garages
- Karazportanoichtiriphobia – fear of garage door openers
- Karazportaphobia – fear of garage doors
- Karfiphobia – fear of nails
- Karotsakiphobia – fear of strollers
- Kassaphobia – fear of cash registers
- Kasoniphobia – fear of boxes
- Katagelophobia – fear of ridicule
- Katsavidiphobia – fear of screwdrivers
- Katarraktiphobia – fear of waterfalls
- Kefiphobia – fear of fun
- Kenophobia – fear of voids or empty spaces
- Keraphobia, Kerasophobia – fear of horns
- Keriphobia – fear of candles
- Kifnaphobia – fear of drones
- Kilnphobia - fear of kilns
- Kinzodophobia - fear of handheld metal detectors
- Kirompigiaphobia - fear of crayons
- Kleidariaphobia – fear of locks
- Kleidiphobia – fear of keys
- Kl🛒bzeenphobia - fear of flat tires
- Koinoniphobia – fear of rooms
- Koloniaphobia – fear of colognes and perfumes
- Konsentophobia – fear of electric outlets
- Kosmemophobia – fear of jewelry
- Koumpiphobia – fear of buttons
- Kouniaphobia – fear of swings
- Kouvaphobia – fear of buckets
- Kouziphobia – fear of stoves, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Kremastraphobia - fear of coat hangers
- Kr♥kuphobia - fear of clothing racks
- Kypellophobia – fear of mugs
- K2nqiphobia - fear of space heaters
- Ladderphobia – fear of ladders
- Lagoumiphobia – fear of rabbit holes, branch of trypophobia (fear of holes)
- Lampaphobia – fear of lamps, branch of oikophobia (fear of home surroundings)
- Lastichophobia – fear of tires
- Lateriphobia – fear of Legos (branch of ludilophobia)
- Lechophobia – fear of couches, branch of epiplaphobia (fear of furnitures)
- Lentophobia – fear of contact lenses
- Levophobia - fear of things to the left side of the body
- Ligamentophobia – fear of ribbons
- Lighterphobia – fear of lighters
- Ligyrophobia – fear of loud noises (psychological phobia) (branch of phonophobia)
- Limniphobia – fear of lakes
- Linonophobia – fear of strings
- Linyuphobia – fear of showers, branch of oikophobia (fear of home surroundings)
- Lockerphobia – fear of lockers
- Lodiculaphobia – fear of blankets
- Logicomechanibiophobia – fear of artificial life (robots, drones, cyborgs)
- Logocrisiaphobia – fear of censorship
- Loutrophobia – fear of bathrooms
- Lrashaphobia - fear of massage chairs
- Ludectrophobia – fear of video games, branch of ludophobia
- Ludilophobia – fear of toys
- Ludophobia – fear of games]
- Lumenophobia - fear of light fixtures
- Luodophobia - fear of floor lamps
- Lysbrytophobia - fear of light-switches
- Mageireiophobia – fear of kitchens
- Maikbanphobia – fear of whiteboards
- Monoxeidioanthrakaphobia – fear of carbon monoxide
- Mageiachaliphobia – fear of magic carpets
- Magikoravdiphobia – fear of magic wands
- Magnitofonophobia – fear of tape recorders
- Manholephobia – fear of manholes
- Manussiccusphobia – fear of hand dryers
- Mappophobia – fear of maps
- Markadorophobia – fear of markers
- Matterphobia – fear of matter
- Mechanophobia – fear of machines
- Mediaphobia – fear of media
- Megalophobia – fear of large things
- Megaphonophobia – fear of megaphones
- Melophobia – fear of music (branch of phonophobia)
- Memephobia – fear of internet memes
- Memeophobia - fear of memes
- Menophobia – fear of menstruation
- Microphonophobia – fear of microphones
- Minicelarophobia – fear of low ceilings (branch of celarophobia)
- Mysophobia – fear of dirt (Rupophobia) or contamination
- Metrophobia – fear of poetry
- Microphobia, Mycrophobia – fear of small things
- Microscopophobia – fear of microscopes
- Microvophobia – fear of microwave ovens, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Mlafenphobia - fear of coffee grinders
- Mnemophobia – fear of memories
- Mrnphobia - fear of charcoal grills
- Molyviphobia – fear of pencils
- Munjingphobia - fear of emergency exit door alarms
- Mykitaphobia – fear of fungus
- Mythophobia – fear of myths, stories or false statements
- Naitosutandophobia – fear of nightstands, branch of epiplaphobia (fear of furnitures)
- Necrophobia – fear of dead things
- Neophobia - fear of newness
- Nickelphobia – fear of nickels
- Nijoongphobia - fear of yearbooks
- Nlaiguphobia - fear of can openers
- Nintendophobia – fear of Nintendo
- Nojescentrophobia – fear of entertainment centers, branch of epiplaphobia (fear of furnitures)
- N🐈nmophobia – fear of milk cartons
- Notophobia – fear of south
- Nrasobphobia - fear of cheese graters
- Nucleomituphobia – fear of nuclear weapons (branch of hoplophobia)
- Nwumpophobia - fear of electric mixers
- N☽mwuphobia - fear of milk jugs
- Objectshowphobia – fear of object shows
- Octagonphobia – fear of octagons
- Oikophobia – fear of home surroundings
- Omniphobia - fear of all and when you have every fear
- Onehundredbottlesofbeerphobia - fear of 100 bottles of beer on the wall
- Opinatophobia – fear of imagination
- Opiophobia – fear of doctor's experience of prescribing needed pain medications for patients
- Oratoparophobia – fear of speakers
- Ordclaviphobia – fear of computer keyboards
- Orthophobia – fear of property
- Osmophobia – fear of smells
- Osouriphobia – fear of computer mice
- Otaspidaphobia – fear of earplugs
- Oulinophobia – fear of scars
- Ouritiriophobia – fear of urinals
- Ovalphobia – fear of ovals
- Pactorbophobia – fear of CDs
- Pagophobia – fear of ice or frost
- Pamphobia – fear of an unknown cause
- Panophobia - fear of everything (branch of panphobia)
- Panphobia - fear of all (branch of pantophobia)
- Panteloniphobia – fear of pants, branch of vestiphobia (fear of clothing)
- Pantophobia – fear of everything or all
- Papoutsiphobia – fear of shoes, branch of vestiphobia (fear of clothing)
- Papyrophobia – fear of paper
- Payphonophobia – fear of payphones
- Patroiophobia – fear of heredity
- Peccatophobia – fear of imaginary crimes
- Pectusspemophobia – fear of hope chests, branch of epiplaphobia (fear of furnitures)
- Pediophobia – fear of dolls (branch of automatonophobia)
- Pencillophobia - fear of pencils
- Pennyphobia – fear of pennies
- Perstilbospherphobia – fear of mirror balls
- Pezodromiophobia – fear of sidewalks
- Philosophobia – fear of philosophy
- Phobia - fear of rolling back the hill while driving an automatic car
- Phonophobia – fear of loud noise (branch of (ligyrophobia)
- Photoaugliaphobia – fear of glaring lights (branch of photophobia)
- Photographophobia – fear of photography
- Photophobia – fear of light
- Piatophobia – fear of dishes
- Pictophobia – fear of pictures
- Pingbophobia - fear of tablet computers
- Pingpongphobia – fear of ping pong
- Pistotikikartaphobia – fear of credit cards
- Pithanophobia – fear of probabilities
- Placophobia – fear of tombstones
- Plakidiophobia – fear of tiles
- Planophobia – fear of piano, branch of gakkiphobia (fear of musical instruments)
- Plastophobia – fear of plastic bags
- Plyntiphobia – fear of washing machines, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Polyphobia – fear of many things
- Poolphobia – fear of pool games
- Portbankazphobia – fear of car trunks
- Postalphobia – fear of mail
- Potamophobia – fear of rivers or running water
- Poukamisophobia – fear of shirts, branch of vestiphobia (fear of clothing)
- Pragmaticophobia – fear of reality
- Praxiphobia – fear of actions
- Printerphobia – fear of printers, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Prophetophobia – fear of prophecies
- Prosophobia – fear of progress
- P🎈gronphobia – fear of paper bags
- Psalidiphobia – fear of scissors
- Psichaphobia – fear of crumbs
- Psychophobia – fear of mind
- Psygephobia – fear of refrigerators, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Pumppuphobia – fear of sump pump, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Pupaphobia – fear of puppets (branch of automatonophobia)
- Purinsumphobia – fear of trash cans
- Purgamentophobia – fear of garbage
- Pyliphobia – fear of gates
- Pyrophobia – fear of fire
- Pyrotechnophobia – fear of fireworks
- Pyrsophobia – fear of torches
- P🐟xmophobia – fear of pizza boxes
- P3nsophobia - fear of spray guns
- Qagazusaqphobia – fear of paper airplanes
- Qiedjingphobia - fear of burglar alarms
- Quarterphobia – fear of quarters
- Radiophobia – fear of radioactivity or X-rays
- Rasemaphobia – fear of lawn mowers
- Ravdiphobia – fear of walking canes
- R🚦crebphobia – fear of cracked tiles
- Receiptphobia – fear of receipts
- Recreationphobia – fear of recreation
- Rectanglephobia – fear of rectangles
- Relaxationphobia – fear of relaxation
- Reminderphobia – fear of reminders
- Remmiðophobia - fear of Christmas tree lights
- Renwuphobia – fear of action figures (branch of automatonophobia)
- Reqiqiuphobia – fear of hot air balloons
- Reshuiqiphobia – fear of water heaters, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Retainerphobia – fear of dental retainers
- Revmagrammiphobia – fear of power lines
- Ringophobia – fear of ringing sounds
- Rlerrophobia - fear of patio chairs
- Robophobia – fear of robots
- Rollerskatephobia – fear of rollerskates
- Rollatophobia – fear of walking frames
- Roloiphobia – fear of watches
- R🚗znonphobia – fear of revolving doors
- Rweconphobia - fear of picnic tables
- Rʊcophobia - fear of r rated movies
- Sakidiophobia – fear of backpacks
- Sakoulaphobia – fear of bags
- Santakiphobia – fear of purses
- Saxophonophobia – fear of saxophones, branch of gakkiphobia (fear of musical instruments)
- Scatophobia – fear of fecal matter
- Scharaphobia – fear of grills
- Sciophobia – fear of shadows
- Scotomaphobia – fear of blindness in visual field
- Scriniaphobia – fear of bookcases, branch of epiplaphobia (fear of furnitures)
- Seirinaphobia – fear of sirens
- Seplophobia – fear of decaying matter
- Senoʃuphobia - fear of birthday cake candles
- Sfairaphobia - fear of globes
- Sfoungaristraphobia – fear of mops
- Sfyriphobia – fear of hammers
- Shuicaophobia – fear of sinks
- Sh5dophobia - fear of paper shredders
- Simaphobia – fear of signs
- Sinistrophobia – fear of things to the left or left-handed
- Sixflagsphobia - fear of Six Flags
- Shijiphobia – fear of television sets, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Shoeboxphobia – fear of shoeboxes
- Shwnphobia - fear of food processors
- Sh☀gmophobia - fear of two-liter bottles
- Skateboardphobia – fear of skateboards
- Skoupaphobia – fear of brooms
- Snerolakophobia – fear of ponds
- Soloiphobia – fear of watches, branch of vestiphobia (fear of clothing)
- Soteriophobia – fear of dependence on others
- Spacesuitphobia – fear of spacesuits
- Spasmenagaliaphobia – fear of broken glass (branch of nelophobia)
- Speedomophobia – fear of speedometers
- Spherephobia – fear of spheres
- Sphygmomanophobia – fear of sphygmomanometers
- Spirtophobia – fear of matches
- Sprinklerphobia - fear of sprinklers
- Squarephobia - fear of squares
- Sranduophobia - fear of crockpots
- Staurophobia - fear of crosses or the crucifix
- Stavrodromiphobia – fear of crossroads
- Stenophobia – fear of narrow things or places
- Stethoscopephobia – fear of stethoscopes
- Stickerphobia – fear of stickers
- Stockingphobia – fear of stockings
- Stopsignphobia – fear of stop signs
- Streetlightphobia – fear of streetlights
- Strovophobia - fear of strobe lights
- Stylophobia – fear of pens
- St📹prophobia – fear of soda cans
- Surfboardphobia – fear of surfboards
- Symbolophobia – fear of symbols and symbolism
- Syndetiraphobia – fear of paperclips
- Syntrivaniphobia – fear of fountains
- Syskeviphobia – fear of appliances, branch of panophobia (fear of everything)
- S🐦gmophobia – fear of toolboxes
- Tabulatophobia – fear of floors (branch of terramophobia)
- Taillightphobia – fear of taillights
- Taiþuphobia - fear of sunroofs
- Tameiophobia – fear of store checkouts
- Tapetsariaphobia – fear of wallpaper
- Taphosphobia – fear of the grave
- Technophobia – fear of technology
- Tectophobia – fear of roofs
- Tegophobia – fear of rooftops
- Teleophobia – fear of definite plans
- Telephonophobia – fear of telephones, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Telescopophobia – fear of telescopes
- Terramophobia – fear of the ground
- Terrorphobia – fear of terrorism
- Textophobia – fear of certain fabrics
- Thaumatophobia – fear of miracles
- Theologicophobia – fear of theology
- Theophobia – fear of religion
- Thermomophobia – fear of thermometers
- Thermostatphobia – fear of thermostats
- Thesaurophobia - fear of treasure chests
- Tiganiphobia - fear of frying pans
- Tilecheiristiriophobia - fear of remote controls
- Tingchechangphobia – fear of parking lots
- Tingchechekuphobia - fear of parking garages
- Tlinghuphobia - fear of campfires
- Toasterphobia - fear of toasters, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Toichophobia - fear of walls
- Topophobia – fear of certain places or situations, such as stage fright
- Toualetaphobia – fear of toilets, branch of oikophobia (fear of home surroundings)
- Touvlophobia – fear of bricks
- Tragoudiphobia – fear of songs
- Trapezaphobia – fear of tables, branch of epiplaphobia (fear of furnitures)
- Trianglephobia – fear of triangles
- Trokhophobia – fear of wheels
- Trompetaphobia – fear of trumpets, branch of gakkiphobia (fear of musical instruments)
- Trophophobia – fear of trophies
- Trɛdnophobia - fear of electric razors
- Trypanophobia – fear of needles (Belonephobia) or injections (trypanophobia) (branch of aichmophobia)
- Trypophobia – fear of holes
- Tr✈️gmophobia – fear of skylights
- Turriphobia – fear of towers
- TVshowphobia – fear of TV shows
- Tychophobia – fear of randomness
- Tympanophobia – fear of drums, branch of gakkiphobia (fear of musical instruments)
- Tɯdrophobia - fear of 3D movies
- Umbraphobia – fear of shadows
- Umbrellaphobia – fear of umbrellas
- Vagoniphobia – fear of wagons
- Valantiophobia – fear of wallets
- Valitsaphobia – fear of suitcases
- Verkeintriphobia – fear of traffic tickets
- Vestiphobia – fear of clothing
- Viemaphobia – fear of drains
- Videocassettophobia – fear of VHS tapes
- Vinitophobia – fear of dressers, branch of epiplaphobia (fear of furnitures)
- Violiphobia – fear of violins, branch of gakkiphobia (fear of musical instruments)
- Voedsephobia – fear of garbage disposals
- Volanphobia – fear of steering wheels
- Vorraphobia – fear of north
- Vothrophobia – fear of cesspool
- Voulisiphobia - fear of the will to do things
- Vinylophobia – fear of vinyl records
- V🚫shrophobia – fear of wet floors
- Wanjuwuphobia – fear of dollhouses (branch of automatonophobia)
- Wheelchairphobia – fear of wheelchairs
- Wiccaphobia – fear of witchcraft
- Wlanophobia - fear of candy machines
- Xafniasmaphobia – fear of surprises
- X!mzophobia - fear of heart monitors
- Xinxiangphobia – fear of mailboxes
- Xylophonophobia – fear of xylophones, branch of gakkiphobia (fear of musical instruments)
- Xypnitiriphobia – fear of alarm clocks, branch of syskeviphobia (fear of appliances)
- Xyrophobia – fear of razors
- W@nophobia - fear of pressure washers
- Yedanshuphobia – fear of Christmas trees
- Yedengphobia – fear of nightlights
- Ygrophobia – fear of liquid
- Yinjiphobia – fear of radio receivers
- Yinshuijiphobia – fear of drinking fountains
- Yrouxphobia - fear of gumball machines
- Ypnodomatiophobia – fear of bedrooms
- Yupenphobia – fear of bathtubs, branch of oikophobia (fear of home surroundings)
- Yushixishophobia – fear of bathroom sinks
- Yushuaphobia – fear of windshield wipers
- Ywaohuphobia - fear of slot machines
- Y∞gomphobia - fear of popcorn poppers
- Zapsaulphobia – fear of gas pumps
- Zariphobia - fear of dice
- Zhaoqinphobia - fear of store exit anti-theft alarms
- Zhinchaphobia - fear of walkthrough metal detectors
- Zhuojphobia - fear of desktop computers
- Zidongshophobia - fear of vending machines
- Zizanmephobia - fear of weed eaters
- Zloqingphobia - fear of paintball guns
- Z📷mrotphobia - fear of old shoes
- Zoniasfaleiaphobia - fear of seatbelts
- Zraidophobia - fear of table lamps
- Zuigerphobia - fear of vacuum cleaners
- Zwuqiphobia - fear of squirt guns
- Zygariaphobia - fear of weighing scales
Substance phobias
- Aerophobia – fear of air
- Antipapyrophobia – fear of old paper
- Asimiphobia – fear of silver
- Aquaphobia – fear of water
- Argyrophobia, Argentophobia – fear of silver (branch of metallophobia)
- Benziphobia – fear of gasoline
- Aurophobia – fear of gold (branch of metallophobia)
- Blennophobia – fear of slime
- Cacohydrophobia – fear of sewer water, branch of aquaphobia (fear of water) and cloacaphobia (fear of sewers)
- Tiranophobia-fear of watermelons
- Chaʒophobia - fear of insecticide
- Chemophobia – fear of chemicals
- Cinerophobia – fear of ashes
- Ganjophobia - fear of cleaning agents
- Hydrargyophobia – fear of mercurial medicines (branch of pharmacophobia)
- Jaoŋphobia - fear of laundry detergent
- Karvounophobia - fear of charcoal
- Kollaphobia – fear of glue
- Koniophobia – fear of dust
- Lanaphobia – fear of wool
- Metallophobia – fear of metals
- Neopharmaphobia – fear of new drugs (branch of neophobia and pharmacophobia)
- Petraphobia – fear of rocks
- Pigmentumphobia – fear of paint
- Pharmacophobia – fear of drugs, taking medicine, or medications
- Plastophobia – fear of plastic
- Pɤnrophobia - fear of spray paint
- Rupophobia – fear of dirt
- Vacansopapurosophobia – fear of blank paper (branch of papyrophobia)
- Wajjeophobia - fear of dishwasher detergent
- Xiwophobia - fear of dishwashing liquid
- Xylophobia – fear of wooden objects
Food and drink phobias
- Abzicheetophobia - fear of cheetos (branch of cibophobia)
- Acerophobia – fear of sours (branch of cibophobia)
- Acrisophobia – fear of bitters (branch of cibophobia)
- Alektorophobia – fear of chicken (branch of carnophobia & cibophobia)
- Alatiphobia – fear of salt (branch of cibophobia)
- Alliumphobia – fear of garlic (branch of cibophobia)
- Anapsytikophobia - fear of soft drinks (branch of cibophobia)
- Apionphobia - fear of pears
- waterphobia - fear of water
- Arachibutyrophobia – fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth
- Arakaphobia – fear of peas (branch of cibophobia)
- Aromaphobia – fear of spices and spicy food (branch of cibophobia)
- Artophobia – fear of bread (branch of cibophobia)
- Beikonphobia – fear of bacon (branch of carnophobia & cibophobia)
- Bagelphobia – fear of bagels (branch of cibophobia)
- Bananaphobia – fear of bananas (branch of carnophobia & cibophobia)
- Biftekiphobia – fear of steak (branch of carnophobia & cibophobia)
- Biskotophobia – fear of biscuits (branch of cibophobia)
- Browniephobia – fear of brownies (branch of cibophobia)
- Burritophobia – fear of burritos (branch of cibophobia)
- Cafephobia – fear of coffee (branch of cibophobia)
- Calamusphobia – fear of caramel (branch of cibophobia)
- Candycanephobia – fear of candy canes (branch of cibophobia)
- Cocaphobia – fear of coca cola (branch of cibophobia)
- Candycornphobia – fear of candy corn (branch of cibophobia)
- Caramelaphobia, Karamelaphobia – fear of candy (branch of cibophobia)
- Carnophobia – fear of meat (branch of cibophobia)
- Chiclephobia – fear of chewing gum (branch of cibophobia)
- Chiliphobia – fear of chili (branch of cibophobia)
- Choirinophobia – fear of pork (branch of carnophobia & cibophobia)
- Choiromeriphobia – fear of ham (branch of carnophobia & cibophobia)
- Chotdonkphobia – fear of hot dogs (branch of carnophobia & cibophobia)
- Chymomilouphobia – fear of apple juice (branch of cibophobia)
- Chymoportokaliphobia – fear of orange juice (branch of cibophobia)
- Cibofestinaphobia – fear of fast food (branch of cibophobia)
- Cibophobia – fear of food
- Crustumphobia – fear of pie (branch of cibophobia)
- Cupcakephobia – fear of cupcakes (branch of cibophobia)
- Dipsophobia – fear of drink or beverages
- Dulciphobia (fear of sweets (branch of cibophobia)), Suaviphobia – fear of anything sweet
- Fajitaphobia – fear of fajitas (branch of cibophobia)
- Fasoliphobia – fear of beans (branch of cibophobia)
- Filletiphobia – fear of fillets (branch of cibophobia)
- Fraoulaphobia - fear of strawberries
- Fructophobia – fear of fruits (branch of cibophobia)
- Fystikovoutyrophobia – fear of peanut butter (branch of cibophobia)
- F🔌pcophobia – fear of frozen food (branch of cibophobia)
- Galaphobia – fear of milk (branch of cibophobia)
- Giaourtiophobia – fear of yogurts (branch of cibophobia & gustatophobia)
- Gingerbreadphobia – fear of gingerbread (branch of cibophobia)
- Gleifitzouriphobia – fear of lollipops (branch of cibophobia)
- Gumballphobia – fear of gumballs (branch of cibophobia)
- Gustatophobia – fear of snacks (branch of cibophobia)
- Hamburgerphobia – fear of hamburgers (branch of carnophobia and cibophobia)
- Halophobia – fear of salt and salty food (branch of cibophobia)
- Ichthyophobia – fear of fish (branch of cibophobia)
- Jellybeanphobia – fear of jellybeans (branch of cibophobia)
- Junkcibophobia – fear of junk food (branch of cibophobia)
- Kalampokiphobia – fear of corn (branch of cibophobia)
- Kerasiphobia - fear of cherries (branch of cibophobia)
- Ketsapphobia – fear of ketchup (branch of cibophobia)
- Kurberiphobia - fear of cranberries (branch of cibophobia)
- Lachanophobia – fear of vegetables (branch of cibophobia)
- Lemonadaphobia – fear of lemonade (branch of cibophobia)
- Lemoniphobia – fear of lemons (branch of cibophobia)
- Lipophobia – fear of fats (branch of cibophobia)
- Loukanikophobia – fear of sausage (branch of carnophobia & cibophobia)
- Loukoumaphobia – fear of donuts (branch of cibophobia)
- Macaroniphobia – fear of macaroni (branch of cibophobia)
- Magionezaphobia – fear of mayonnaise (branch of cibophobia)
- Mallitigriaphobia – fear of cotton candy (branch of cibophobia)
- Meleagrisphobia – fear of turkey (branch of carnophobia & cibophobia)
- Methyphobia – fear of alcohol (branch of cibophobia)
- Milophobia – fear of apples (branch of cibophobia)
- Moscholemonophobia – fear of limes (branch of cibophobia)
- Mourophobia - fear of berries (branch of cibophobia)
- Moustardaphobia – fear of mustard (branch of cibophobia)
- Muffilophobia – fear of muffins (branch of cibophobia)
- Mycophobia – fear of mushrooms (branch of cibophobia)
- Myrtilophobia - fear of blueberries (branch of cibophobia)
- M&Mphobia – fear of M&M's (branch of cibophobia)
- Nachophobia – fear of nachos (branch of cibophobia)
- Oenophobia – fear of wine (branch of methyphobia)
- Ostraconophobia – fear of shellfish (branch of cibophobia & ichthyophobia)
- Ovophobia – fear of eggs (branch of cibophobia)
- Pagotophobia – fear of ice cream (branch of cibophobia gustatophobia)
- Patatakiphobia – fear of chips (branch of cibophobia)
- Pemmaphobia – fear of cake (branch of cibophobia)
- Piperiphobia – fear of pepper (branch of cibophobia)
- Pizzaphobia – fear of pizza (branch of cibophobia)
- Popsiclephobia – fear of popsicles (branch of cibophobia)
- Popcornphobia – fear of popcorn (branch of cibophobia)
- Portokaliphobia – fear of oranges (branch of cibophobia)
- Psomiphobia – fear of bread (branch of cibophobia)
- Quesadillaphobia – fear of quesadillas (branch of cibophobia)
- Rigatoniphobia – fear of rigatoni (branch of cibophobia)
- Ryziphobia – fear of rice (branch of cibophobia)
- Saccharophobia – fear of sugar and sugary foods and drinks (branch of cibophobia)
- Sagiouphobia – fear of tea
- Salutecibophobia – fear of health food (branch of cibophobia)
- Siropiphobia – fear of syrup (branch of cibophobia)
- Sitophobia - fear of eating
- Skittlephobia – fear of skittles (branch of cibophobia)
- Smeourophobia - fear of raspberries (branch of cibophobia)
- Soupaphobia – fear of soup (branch of cibophobia)
- Spaghettiphobia – fear of spaghetti (branch of cibophobia)
- Tacophobia – fear of tacos (branch of carnophobia & cibophobia)
- Taylorphobia - fear of cream (branch of cibophobia)
- Tiganitepatatephobia – fear of french fries (branch of cibophobia)
- Tiganopsomophobia – fear of pancakes (branch of cibophobia)
- Tortillaphobia – fear of tortillas (branch of cibophobia)
- Turophobia – fear of cheese (branch of cibophobia)
- Vaflaphobia – fear of waffles (branch of cibophobia)
- Vanillaphobia – fear of vanilla (branch of cibophobia)
- Vatomourophobia - fear of blackberries (branch of cibophobia)
- Vodinophobia – fear of beef (branch of carnophobia & cibophobia)
- Voutimaphobia – fear of cookies (branch of cibophobia)
- Voutyrophobia – fear of butter (branch of cibophobia)
- Waterphobia - fear of waters
- Xocolataphobia – fear of chocolates (branch of cibophobia)
- Zelatiniphobia – fear of jelly (branch of cibophobia)
- Zymarikaphobia – fear of pasta (branch of cibophobia)
- Zythophobia – fear of beer (branch of cibophobia & methyphobia)
Vehicle phobias
- Amaxophobia, Motorphobia – fear of automobiles (branch of ochophobia)
- Armamachophobia – fear of tanks (branch of ochophobia)
- Boulntozaphobia – fear of bulldozers (branch of ochophobia)
- Bukkuophobia - fear of bucket trucks
- Bustrophobia – fear of buses (branch of ochophobia)
- Chevroletphobia – fear of Chevrolet (branch of ochophobia)
- Cochephobia – fear of cars (branch of ochophobia)
- Convertiblephobia – fear of convertibles (branch of ochophobia)
- Coupephobia – fear of coupes (branch of ochophobia)
- Cuimuphobia - fear of car-boats
- Cyclophobia – fear of bicycles (branch of ochophobia)
- Dinmuphobia - fear of electric cars
- Disongchephobia – fear of delivery trucks (branch of ochophobia)
- Dochogophobia – fear of tank trucks (branch of ochophobia)
- Feichuanphobia – fear of spaceships (branch of ochophobia)
- Feijiphobia – fear of airplanes (branch of ochophobia)
- Feixmuphobia - fear of flying cars
- Fordophobia – fear of Fords (branch of ochophobia)
- Forkliftophobia – fear of forklifts (branch of ochophobia)
- Fʌmptophobia - fear of rowboats
- Gaofmuphobia - fear of hovercars
- Gokarrophobia – fear of go-carts (branch of ochophobia)
- Gelandelimophobia – fear of SUVs (branch of ochophobia)
- Golfkarrophobia – fear of golf carts (branch of ochophobia)
- Hatchbackphobia – fear of hatchbacks (branch of ochophobia)
- Helicoptophobia – fear of helicopters (branch of ochophobia)
- Hondaphobia – fear of Honda (branch of ochophobia)
- Huochephobia – fear of vans (branch of ochophobia)
- Imifortigophobia – fear of pick up trucks (branch of ochophobia)
- Jingchephobia – fear of police cars (branch of cochephobia & ochophobia)
- Jipuphobia – fear of jeeps (branch of ochophobia)
- Jiqimuphobia - fear of robotic cars
- Jiuhuphobia – fear of ambulances (branch of ochophobia)
- Jixyuphobia - fear of subways
- Kombiphobia – fear of station wagons (branch of ochophobia)
- Koterophobia – fear of sailboats (branch of ochophobia)
- Lajichephobia – fear of garbage trucks (branch of ochophobia)
- Limophobia – fear of limousines (branch of ochophobia)
- Mitsubishiphobia – fear of Mitsubishi (branch of ochophobia)
- Mroehonphobia - fear of old cars
- Motorcyclophobia – fear of motorcycles (branch of ochophobia)
- Naviphobia, Navisphobia – fear of being on a boat or cruise ship (branch of ochophobia)
- Nissanphobia – fear of Nissan (branch of ochophobia)
- Ochophobia – fear of vehicles
- Jettophobia – fear of jet planes (branch of ochophobia)
- Porthmeiophobia – fear of ferries (branch of ochophobia)
- Pteromerhanophobia – fear of being on an airplane (branch of ochophobia)
- P7crophobia - fear of jetskis
- Qichuanphobia – fear of motorboats (branch of ochophobia)
- Qonshungphobia - fear of submarines
- Saichephobia – fear of race cars (branch of ochophobia)
- Scooterphobia – fear of scooters (branch of ochophobia)
- Sedanphobia – fear of sedans (branch of ochophobia)
- Seemptuophobia - fear of cement trucks
- Semirophobia, Semitrophobia – fear of semi trucks (branch of ochophobia)
- Sheijiphobia – fear of seaplanes (branch of ochophobia)
- Sleighphobia – fear of sleighs (branch of ochophobia)
- Siderodromophobia – fear of trains, railroads or train travel (branch of ochophobia)
- Snowmobilephobia – fear of snowmobiles (branch of ochophobia)
- Taneophobia - fear of flying space cars
- Taxiphobia – fear of taxis (branch of ochophobia)
- Toyotaphobia – fear of Toyota (branch of ochophobia)
- Tuochephobia – fear of tow trucks (branch of ochophobia)
- Tractorphobia – fear of tractors (branch of ochophobia)
- Tricyclophobia – fear of tricycles (branch of ochophobia)
- Trochophobia – fear of being on a truck or bus (branch of ochophobia)
- Veloxrotaphobia – fear of being on a roller coaster (branch of ochophobia)
- Xuegachephobia – fear of ice cream trucks (branch of ochophobia)
- Xiaofaphobia – fear of fire engines (branch of ochophobia)
- Xochephobia – fear of school buses (branch of ochophobia)
- Yubinshaphobia – fear of mail trucks (branch of ochophobia)
- Zixiechephobia – fear of dump trucks (branch of ochophobia)
Condition/quality phobias
- Acrophobia – fear of heights
- Agnostophobia – fear of the unknown
- Aletheiaphobia – fear of truth
- Algophobia - fear of pain
- Allocotophobia – fear of oddity
- Altophobia – fear of being up high
- Anuptaphobia – fear of being single
- Archephobia – fear of being controlled
- Aschimophobia – fear of ugliness
- Ataxaphobia – fear of untidiness
- Automysophobia – fear of being dirty
- Autophobia – fear of isolation
- Bathophobia – fear of depth
- Beephobia - fear of getting b's in grades
- Cacophobia – fear of ugliness
- Cainophobia – fear of novelty
- Callophobia – fear of beauty
- Ceephobia - fear of getting c's in grades
- Chayiphobia – fear of difference
- Cherophobia – fear of gaiety
- Counterphobia - fear of not being in fearful situations
- Cryophobia – fear of extreme cold (branch of frigophobia)
- Deephobia – fear of getting d's in grades
- Dementophobia – fear of insanity
- Dependophobia, Subordinatephobia – fear of not being independent
- Durumphobia – fear of hard objects
- Dyskolophobia – fear of difficulty
- Dysmorphophobia – fear of deformity
- Effophobia - fea of getting f's in grades
- Efkolophobia – fear of easiness
- Eleutherophobia – fear of freedom
- Enochlophobia – fear of crowds
- Eosophobia – fear of dawn or daylight
- Eremophobia – fear of being selfish
- Eutychemaphobia – fear of luck
- Frigophobia – fear of cold
- Futurephobia – fear of the future
- Gamophobia – fear of being in a relationship
- Gerontophobia – fear of the elderly
- Gymnophobia, Nudaphobia – fear of nudity
- Historophobia – fear of history
- Homophobia – fear of sameness and monotony
- Hygeiophobia – fear of health and hygiene
- Implexaphobia – fear of tanglement
- Keyaiphobia – fear of cuteness
- Lathophobia – fear of wrongness
- Leptophobia – fear of being skinny
- Lihaiphobia (loser) – fear of aesthetic coolness
- Metathesiophobia – fear of changes
- Mollephobia – fear of soft objects
- Monophobia - fear of being alone
- Morophobia – fear of stupidity
- Neosphobia – fear of newness
- Nihiliphobia -- fear of nothingness
- Noctiphobia – fear of the night
- Nyctophobia - fear of the dark
- Obesophobia me – fear of obesity
- Ochlophobia – fear of mobs (branch of enochlophobia)
- Omegaphobia – fear of being last in line
- Oudenophobia – fear of 0 (numbers phobias)
- Paliophobia – fear of old things
- Peniaphobia – fear of poverty
- Phobophobia - fear of developing a fear
- Phobusphobia - fear of fears
- Plutophobia – fear of wealth
- Procerophobia – fear of being too tall\
- Retrophobia – fear of the past
- Secundophobia – fear of success
- Sedatephobia -- fear of silence, sleeping, or being dead
- Sedatophobia -- fear of silence, falling asleep, or dying
- Sedetaphobia – fear of silence
- Sostophobia – fear of correctness
- Symmetrophobia – fear of symmetry
- Tachophobia – fear of high speeds
- Tapinophobia – fear of being contagious
- Tongyiphobia – fear of sameness
- Thermophobia – fear of heat
- Xerophobia – fear of dryness
- Ymophobia – fear of contrariety
Phobias of genres
- Actiophobia – fear of action films
- Adventophobia – fear of adventure films
- Animophobia – fear of soul music
- Burusuphobia – fear of blues music
- Choreftikophobia – fear of dance music
- Dramaphobia – fear of dramas
- Duismalophobia – fear of disaster films
- Fantasophobia – fear of fantasy films
- Figmentophobia – fear of science fiction films
- Gloriaphobia – fear of thrillers
- Hevimetaruphobia – fear of heavy metal music
- Hiphopphobia – fear of hip hop music
- Horametophobia – fear of horror films
- Housemusikaphobia – fear of house music
- Kantoriphobia – fear of country music
- Komoidaphobia – fear of comedies
- Poppuphobia – fear of pop music
- Rokkuphobia – fear of rock music
- Romantikophobia – fear of romance films
- Weltmusikophobia – fear of folk music
- Zorevophobia – fear of jazz music
Weather phobias
- Aestophobia – fear of hot weather (branch of meteophobia)
- Ancraophobia – fear of winds or drafts (branch of meteophobia)
- Astraphobia – fear of thunder and lightning (branch of meteophobia)
- Brontophobia – fear of thunder (branch of astraphobia & meteophobia)
- Ceraunophobia – fear of lightning (branch of astraphobia & tempestaphobia & meteophobia)
- Chionophobia – fear of snow (branch of meteophobia)
- Chionothyellaphobia – fear of blizzards (branch of chionophobia & meteophobia & tempestaphobia)
- Cyclonophobia – fear of tropical cyclones (branch of lilapsophobia and meteophobia)
- Cymophobia – fear of wind-driven waves (branch of meteophobia)
- Frigoriphobia – fear of cold weather (branch of meteophobia)
- Grandophobia – fear of hail (branch of meteophobia & tempestaphobia)
- Homichlophobia – fear of fog (branch of Nebulophobia & meteophobia)
- Humidophobia – fear of humidity (branch of meteophobia)
- Meteophobia – fear of weather
- Nebulophobia - fear of fog or clouds (branch of meteophobia)
- Nephophobia – fear of clouds (branch of Nebulophobia & meteophobia)
- Ombrophobia – fear of rain or of being rained on (branch of meteophobia)
- Pluvifrigophobia – fear of freezing rain (branch of meteophoia & ombrophobia)
- Serenophobia – fear of fair weather (branch of meteophobia)
- Tempestaphobia – fear of storms (branch of meteophobia)
Natural disaster phobias
- Antlophobia – fear of flooding
- Ariditaphobia – fear of droughts
- Agripyrophobia – fear of wildfires (branch of pyrophobia)
- Chionothyellaphobia – fear of blizzards (branch of chionophobia & tempestaphobia)
- Cyclonophobia – fear of tropical cyclones (satellite of lilapsophobia)
- Lilapsophobia – fear of tornadoes (turbophobia) and tropical cyclones (cyclonophobia) (branch of tempestaphobia)
- Nivisphobia – fear of avalanches (branch of chionophobia)
- Seismophobia – fear of earthquake
- Turbophobia – fear of tornadoes (branch of lilapsophobia)
- Tsunamiphobia – fear of tsunamis
- Volcanophobia – fear of volcanos
Space phobias
- Astrophobia – fear of celestial objects
- Callistophobia - fear of Jupiter's moon Callisto
- Ceresphobia - fear of the dwarf planet Ceres
- Cometophobia – fear of comets
- Cosmophobia – fear of the cosmos
- Deimosphobia - fear of Mars's moon Deimos
- Erisphobia - fear of the dwarf planet Eris
- Etiamophobia – fear of asteroids
- Europaphobia - fear of Jupiter's moon Europa
- Galaxiaphobia – fear of galaxies
- Ganymedephobia - fear of Jupiter's moon Ganymede
- Haiwangphobia – fear of Neptune
- Heliophobia – fear of the sun (branch of astrophobia) or light (branch of photophobia)
- iliakosystimaphobia – fear of the Solar System
- iomophobia - fear of Jupiter's moon io
- Jinxiphobia – fear of Venus
- Kosmikophobia – fear of cosmic phenomenon
- Makemakephobia - fear of the dwarf planet Makemake
- Mavorsphobia – fear of Mars
- Melanoheliophobia – fear of black holes (branch of trypophobia)
- Mestoselenophobia, Remaphobia – fear of full moon (branch of selenophobia)
- Meteorophobia – fear of meteors
- Mingwangphobia – fear of Pluto
- Muxiphobia – fear of Jupiter
- Phobosphobia - fear of Mars's moon Phobos
- Planitiphobia – fear of planets
- Selenophobia – fear of the moon
- Shuixphobia – fear of Mercury
- Siderophobia – fear of stars
- Spacephobia – fear of outer space
- Tennophobia – fear of Uranus
- Terraphobia – fear of Earth
- Titanphobia - fear of Saturn's moon Titan
- Tritonphobia - fear of Neptune's moon Triton
- Tuxiphobia – fear of Saturn
- Vialacteaphobia – fear of the Milky Way Galaxy
Planet phobias
- Haiwangphobia – fear of Neptune (branch of planitiphobia)
- Jinxiphobia – fear of Venus (branch of planitiphobia)
- Mavorsphobia – fear of Mars (branch of planitiphobia)
- Muxiphobia – fear of Jupiter (branch of planitiphobii)
- Planitiphobia – fear of Planets
- Shuixphobia – fear of Mercury (branch of planitiphobia)
- Tennophobia – fear of Uranus (branch of planitiphobia)
- Terraphobia – fear of Earth (branch of planitiphobia)
- Tuxiphobia – fear of Saturn (branch of planitiphobia)
Color phobias
- Chromophobia – fear of colors (not to be confused with chronophobia, fear of not having enough time)
- Chrysophobia – fear of goldenyellow (branch of chromophobia)
- Cyanophobia – fear of blue (branch of chromophobia)
- Erythrophobia – fear of red (branch of chromophobia)
- Glaucophobia – fear of gray (branch of chromophobia)
- Kastanophobia – fear of brown (branch of chromophobia)
- Leukophobia – fear of white (branch of chromophobia)
- Melanophobia – fear of black (branch of chromophobia)
- Persicophobia – fear of peach (branch of chromophobia)
- Porphyrophobia – fear of purple (branch of chromophobia)
- Prasinophobia – fear of green (branch of chromophobia)
- Rhodophobia – fear of pink (branch of chromophobia)
- Xanthophobia – fear of yellow (branch of chromophobia)
Language phobias
- Abbreviatophobia – fear of abbreviations
- Aibohphobia – fear of palindromes
- Allodoxaphobia - fear of different people's opinions (branch of doxphobia)
- Cliahiyuataphobia -- fear of complicated words (branch of hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia)
- doxphobia - fear of opinions
- euphobia - fear of good news
- Hellenologophobia – fear of greek terms or complex scientific terminology (branch of logophobiA) Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia – fear of long or complicated words (branch of logophobia)
- Kakologophobia - fear of swearwords (branch of deprecophobia)branch of logophobia
- kakosphobia - fear of bad news
- Lexicophobia – fear of dictionary
- Logophobia – fear of words (branch of logophobia)
- Mycrologophobia – fear of short words (branch of logophobia)
- Neologistophobia – fear of new words (branch of logophobia)
- Nomatophobia – fear of names
- Phopinaciphobia – fear of phobia lists (branch of logophobia)
- Xenoglossophobia – fear of foreign languages
Letters phobias
- Alphaphobia – fear of A (branch of grammaphobia)
- Betaphobia – fear of B (branch of grammaphobia)
- Cammaphobia – fear of C (branch of grammaphobia)
- Deltaphobia – fear of D (branch of grammaphobia)
- Epsilonphobia – fear of E (branch of grammaphobia)
- Foxtophobia – fear of F (branch of grammaphobia)
- Gammaphobia – fear of G (branch of grammaphobia)
- Grammaphobia – fear of letters (branch of panophobia)
- Hetaphobia – fear of H (branch of grammaphobia)
- Hoofdaphobia – fear of capital letters (branch of grammaphobia)
- Iotaphobia – fear of I (branch of grammaphobia)
- Jotaphobia – fear of J (branch of grammaphobia)
- Kappaphobia – fear of K (branch of grammaphobia)
- Lambdaphobia – fear of L (branch of grammaphobia)
- Lowcayphobia - fear of lowercase letters
- Muphobia – fear of M (branch of grammaphobia)
- Nuphobia – fear of N (branch of grammaphobia)
- Omicronphobia – fear of O (branch of grammaphobia)
- Pipophobia – fear of P (branch of grammaphobia)
- Qoppaphobia, Koppaphobia – fear of Q (branch of grammaphobia)
- Rhophobia – fear of R (branch of grammaphobia)
- Sigmaphobia – fear of S (branch of grammaphobia)
- Tauphobia – fear of T (branch of grammaphobia)
- Upsilonphobia – fear of U (branch of grammaphobia)
- Victophobia – fear of V (branch of grammaphobia)
- Wauphobia – fear of W (branch of grammaphobia)
- xinoaphobia – fear of X (branch of grammaphobia)
- Yotaphobia – fear of Y (branch of grammaphobia)
- Zetaphobia – fear of Z (branch of grammaphobia)
Word phobias
- Biniuphobia – fear of the word 'booger'
- Bishiuphobia – fear of the word 'snot'
- Epistegophobia – fear of the word 'poop'
- Fegefphobia – fear of the word 'hell'
- Fongpiphobia – fear of the word 'fart'
- Fylophobia – fear of the word "sex"
- Hunephobia - fear of the word 'ho'
- Huophobia – fear of the word 'whore'
- Imkengphobia – fear of the word 'dick'
- Inmaophobia – fear of the word 'cunt'
- Itaphobia – fear of the word 'yes'
- Jigotophobia – fear of the word 'damn'
- Katournmaphobia – fear of the word 'pee'
- Katourophobia – fear of the word 'piss'
- Kusaophobia – fear of the word 'turd'
- Lantsuophobia – fear of the word 'cock'
- Mugouphobia – fear of the word 'bitch'
- Nuyinphobia – fear of the word 'pussy'
- Ohiphobia – fear of the word 'no'
- Rufangphobia – fear of the word 'tit'
- Skataphobia – fear of the word 'shit'
- Suophobia – fear of the word 'slut'
- Tunbuphobia – fear of the word 'ass'
- Wuophobia – fear of the word 'ain't'
- Yindaophobia – fear of the word 'vagina'
- Yinjingphobia – fear of the word 'penis'
- Younaophobia – fear of the word 'twat'
- Zomaiphobia – fear of the word 'fuck'
Punctuation mark phobias
- Bindaphobia – fear of hyphens
- Erotimatikophobia – fear of question marks
- Heitophobia – fear of apostrophes
- Pistaphobia – fear of periods
- Thaumastikaphobia – fear of exclamation points
- Virguphobia – fear of commas
- MediaWiki:Badtitletext fear of wot
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