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الاثنين، 30 ديسمبر 2013
POWERFUL PICTURES أقوى صور في التاريخ
A picture is worth not only a thousand words, but also a thousand smiles, a thousand heartaches, and a thousand tears. Submitted for your approval are some of the most emotionally moving images ever taken.
Three sisters pose for photographs taken years apart. A Russian war veteran visits the tank that he fought in which has been preserved as a monument. A child gives a gift to riot police in Bucharest. Retired Police Chief Captain Ray Lewis is arrested at an Occupy Wall Street protest. A monk prays over the body of an elderly stranger who died suddenly while waiting on a train in China. A dog named Leao keeps watch by the the grave of his owner who was killed in a landslide in Rio de Janeiro. Tommie Smith and John Carlos raise their fists in a gesture of solidarity at the 1968 Olympic games. Both Americans were expelled from the games as a result. John F. Kennedy Junior salutes his father's casket. Christians protect Muslims during the 2011 Cairo uprisings. A North Korean man waves his hand as a South Korean relative weeps, following a luncheon meeting during inter-Korean temporary family reunions at Mount Kumgang resort October 31, 2010. Four hundred and thirty-six South Koreans were allowed to spend three days in North Korea to meet their 97 North Korean relatives, whom they had been separated from since the 1950-53 war. A dog is reunited with his master after the 2011 Japanese Tsunami. A line of soldiers march in 1940 British Columbia on their way to a waiting train as five-year-old Whitey Bernard tugs away from his mother's hand to reach out for his father. Navy chaplain Luis Padillo gives last rites to a soldier wounded by sniper fire during a revolt in Venezuela. Australian Scott Jones kisses his Canadian girlfriend Alex Thomas after she was knocked to the ground by a police officer's riot shield in Vancouver, British Columbia. A mother comforts her son following the 2011 tornado in Concord, Alabama. Pearl Harbor survivor Houston James of Dallas is overcome with emotion as he embraces Marine Staff Sgt. Mark Graunke Jr. during the Dallas Veterans Day Commemoration at Dallas City Hall in 2005. Sgt Graunke, who was a member of a Marine ordnance-disposal team, lost a hand, leg, and eye while defusing a bomb in Iraq in July of 2004. Phyllis Siegel, 76, left, and Connie Kopelov, 84, both of New York, embrace after becoming the first same-sex couple to get married at the Manhattan City Clerk's office in 2011. A four month-old baby is found miraculously in the rubble four days following the 2011 Japanese Tsunami. A French civilian weeps as Nazi troops occupy Paris. PoW Horace Greasley defiantly confronts Heinrich Himmler during an inspection of the camp he was confined in. Greasley also famously escaped from the camp and snuck back in more than 200 times to meet in secret with a local German girl he had fallen in love with. A firefighter gives water to a koala during the devastating Black Saturday bushfires that burned across Victoria, Australia, in 2009. Robert Peraza pauses at his son's name on the 9/11 Memorial during the tenth anniversary ceremonies at the site of the World Trade Center. Jacqueline Kennedy wears her pink Chanel suit, still stained with the blood of her husband, as Lyndon Johnson takes the oath of office in Air Force One. According to Lady Bird Johnson, who was also present: "Her hair [was] falling in her face but [she was] very composed ... I looked at her. Mrs. Kennedy's dress was stained with blood. One leg was almost entirely covered with it and her right glove was caked, it was caked with blood – her husband's blood. Somehow that was one of the most poignant sights – that immaculate woman, exquisitely dressed, and caked in blood." Five year-old Tanisha Blevin holds the hand of fellow Hurricane Katrina victim, one hundred five year-old Nita LaGarde as they are evacuated from the convention center in New Orleans. A girl in isolation for radiation screening looks at her dog through a window in Nihonmatsu, Japan. Journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling, who had been arrested in North Korea and sentenced to 12 years hard labor, are reunited with their families in California after a successful diplomatic intervention by the U.S. Terri Gurrola is reunited with her daughter after serving in Iraq for 7 months. Jane Rose Kasmir plants a flower on the bayonets of guards at the Pentagon during a protest against the Vietnam War on October 21, 1967. The photograph would eventually become the symbol of the flower power movement. The iconic photo of Tank Man, the unknown rebel who stood in front of a column of Chinese tanks in an act of defiance following the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989. The unknown person known as The Falling Man, one of many that jumped from the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. Harold Whittles hears for the first time ever after a doctor places an earpiece in his left ear. Helen Fisher kisses the hearse carrying the body of her 20-year-old cousin, Private Douglas Halliday, as he and six other fallen soldiers are brought through the town of Wootton Bassett in England. US Troops come ashore during the D-Day Invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944. A German World War II prisoner, released by the Soviet Union, is reunited with his daughter. The child had not seen her father since she was one year old. Eight-year-old Christian Golczynski accepts the flag for his father, Marine Staff Sgt. Marc Golczynski, during a memorial service. Pele and British captain Bobby Moore trade jerseys in 1970 as a sign of mutual respect during a World Cup that had been marred by racism. A Sudan People's Liberation Army soldier stands at attention on the eve of South Sudan's independence from Sudan. Greg Cook hugs his dog Coco after finding her inside his destroyed home in Alabama following the Tornado in March, 2012. Earthrise from Apollo 8. |
الأحد، 29 ديسمبر 2013
محمد الفاتح يكتشف قبر ابو ايوب الانصاري
كاد السلطان محمد الفاتح أن يغمى عليه من هول الصدمه فلقد أخذه أستاذه الشامي " شمس الدين آق " بعد صلاة الفجر الى مكان مجهول خلف أسوار القسطنطينية هناك طلب منه أستاذه أن يحفر بين الصخور المتراكمة و أن يزيل بمعوله النباتات التي تشابكت أغصانها حول تلك التلة خلف تلك الأسوار العالية في نفس الوقت أخذ الشيخ شمس الدين يتلفت يميناَ و شمالاَ ليتثبت من هذا الموقع الذي رآه في المنام .
عندها اصطدم معول الفاتح بلوحة حجرية مكتوبة باللغه اللاتينية التي كانت إحدى سبع لغات يجيدها السلطان الشاب محمد فما إن فرغ من قراءتها حتى انهمرت دموعه بغزارة و هو ينادي يا أستاذ قد وجدته وجدت قبر الأسطورة وجدت قبر صاحب رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم .
نرجع الى الوراء كثيراَ و تحديداَ الى اليوم الذي وصل فيه رسول الله صل الله عليه و سلم الى المدينة مهاجراَ من مكة الى المدينة . هناك تمنى كل انسان ان يكون هو صاحب شرف الاستضافة و رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم يجيبهم و على شفتيه ابتسامة مشرقة قائلا : خلوا سبيلها فإنها مأمورة .
فقد ترك رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم قرار اختيار مضيفه إلى الله فاختار الله سبحانه و تعالى أبا أيوب من دون كل البشر فقد وقفت الناقة عند بيته فوثب أبو أيوب على الناقة و حمل المتاع قبل ان ينافسه رجل اخر على هذا الشرف .
كان بيت أبو أيوب مكون من طابقين لذلك عرض على رسول الله صلى الله عليه و سلم أن يسكن الطابق العلوي لأنه يستحي أن ينام فوق رسول الله فأخبره رسول الرحمة أنه يفضل الطابق الأرضي لكثرة ضيوفه .
و يحكي أبو أيوب أنه في ليلة من الليالي انكسرت جرة الماء و نحن نبيت في الأعلى من رسول الله فسال الماء و خشينا أن يتقاطر على النبي و هو نائم فأخذنا أنا و أم أيوب لحافنا و و الله ما كان عندنا غيره فأخذنا ننشف به الماء طيلة الليل .
و تمر الأيام و في عهد أمير المؤمنين معاويه ابن أبي سفيان و بالتحديد سنة 53 هجرية خرج القائد يزيد بن معاوية على رأس جيش يضم عبد الله بن عمر و عبد الله بن العباس و عبد الله بن عمرو بن العاص و عبد الله بن الزبير ليدكو عاصمة الإمبراطوريه الرومانية فأبى أبو أيوب إلا أن يشارك في الجهاد و قد بلغ من العمر الثمانين عاماَ و ما تلاقى الطرفان وجدو رجلاَ ملثماَ يطير بفرسه الأبيض نحو حصون الروم و يحمل على كتائب الروم حتى يشتتها و الروم مذهولين من هول ما يرون فأمعن المسلمون النظر بهذا الرجل فاذا هو أبو أيوب الأنصاري صاحب الثمانين عاماَ
أخذ أبو أيوب يزلزل الروم و لما أحس بدنو أجله فطلب من قائد المسلمين أن يدفنوه على أسوار القسطنطينية .
قصة هذا الصحابي الجليل تصلح لكي تدرس في مقاهي البلاد الإسلامية المكتظة بمئات المسنين و الاف الشباب يضيعون أوقاتهم في المقاهي في انتظار ضياع الأيام
في هذه القصة لا نتكلم عن شاب عشريني أو كهل في الستينيات نتكلم عن هرم جاوز الثمانين و رغم ذلك يخرج مجاهداَ في سبيل الله ليدك حصون أعظم مدينة على وجه الأرض .
السبت، 28 ديسمبر 2013
طبائع الاستبداد
الاستبداد يقلب الحقائق في الأذهان
فيسوق الناس إلى إعتقاد أن طالب الحق
فاجر ، وتارك حقه مطيع
والمشتكي المتظلم مفسد
والنبيه المدقق ملحد
والخامل المسكين صالح ويصبح
- كذلك - النصح فضولا
والغيرة عداوة، الشهامة عتوا
والحمية حماقة ، والرحمة مرضا
كما يعتبر أن النفاق سياسة والتحيل كياسة والدناءة لطف والنذالة دماثة .
عبد الرحمن الكواكبي
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