This was taken at the top of Paradise reef, Red Sea on a rough day when the waves were crashing in.

After picking up BROVADO Media at the Lihue, Kauai, airport, we drove up Waimea Canyon to the Kalalau Overlook and descended Kalepa epic hike that takes you to a spit of land that divides Kalalau and Honopu Valleys. Needless to say it offers incredible views.
This was shot just before sunset as the sun was preparing to pop out below the cloud line leaving this bright filtered super warm light. I isolated this ridges on the east side of the valley as they seemed to jump right out at me and left a small amount of trees for scale. A great start to 3 days of filming!
Photo Location
Kalalau Valley, Kauai, Hawaii

========================================================================================= Sunrise on the Diamantina River is a beautiful sight to see, so much birdlife. This guy was cruising up and down the river feeding as he went. I was lucky enough for him to stop and feed right in front of me just as the 1st sun rays came through.
Photo Location
Birdsville, Queensland. Australia


Water, Light, and Shadow

This was shot just before sunset as the sun was preparing to pop out below the cloud line leaving this bright filtered super warm light. I isolated this ridges on the east side of the valley as they seemed to jump right out at me and left a small amount of trees for scale. A great start to 3 days of filming!
Pacific Northwest Black Wolf
- A black wolf on the mudflats off Meares Island in Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve on the remote west coast of Vancouver Island. The photo was taken shortly before sunset from a sea kayak.
- Photo Location
- Clayoquot Sound UNESCO Biosphere Reserve, Vancouver Island, B.C., Canada
Giraffe with Baby
- This image was captured in the Opel Zoo near Frankfurt am Main in Germany.
- Photo Location
- Kronberg, near Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Water, Light, and Shadow