
الجمعة، 31 أغسطس 2012

حكم رائعة

الناس في الخير أربعة : فمنهم من يفعله .. ابتداء، ومنهم من يفعله .. إقتداء .
ومنهم من يتركه .. حرماناً ، ومنهم من يتركه ... استحساناً .
فمن يفعله ابتداء ....... كريم!
ومن يفعله اقتداء ....... حكيم !
ومن يتركه حرماناً ........ شقي !
ومن يتركه استحساناً ...... غبي !

لو لم تكن الحياة صعبة لما خرجنا من بطون أمهاتنا نبكي
لو كانت الحياه وردة لنجح الجميع باستنشاق رحيقها
لا تتخيل كل الناس ملائكة فتنهار احلامك ولا تجعل ثقتك بهم عمياء,
لانك ستبكي على سذاجتك
ان الطفوله فترة من العمر يعيش بها الانسان على حساب غيره
كسرة خبز ليست شيئا مهما لكنها مع ذلك تساوي كل شيء بالنسبة لمتشرد يتضور جوعا
ما اجمل ان يبكي الانسان والبسمة على شفتيه وان يضحك والدمعه في عينيه
اذا كانت لك ذاكرة قوية .. وذكريات مريرة فانت اشقى اهل الارض
لا تكن كقمة الجبل ترى الناس صغاراً ويراها الناس صغيرة
لا يجب ان تقول كل ما تعرف ..ولكن يجب ان تعرف كل ما تقول
لا تبصق في البئر فقد تشرب منه يوما
ليست الالقاب هي التي تكسب المجد ... بل الناس من يكسبون الالقاب مجدا

ليس من الصعب ان تضحي من اجل صديق .. ولكن من الصعب ان تجد الصديق الذي يستحق التضحية !
الحياه مليئة بالحجارة فلا تتعثر بها بل إجمعها وابن بها سلما تصعد به نحو النجاح
لا تستهن بالقطرة
من جن بالحب فهو عاقل و من جن بغيره فهو مجنون

إذا ركلك من خلفك .. فاعلم انت في المقدمة
من احب الله رأى كل شئ جميلاً
حياتي التي اعيشها كالقهوه التي اشربها على كثر ما هي مره فيها حلاوه
الصداقة كالمظلة كلما اشتد الطر كلما ازدادت الحاجة لها
ليتنا مثل الاسامي لايغيرنا الزمن
يكفي ان يحبك قلب واحد كي تعيش
كل شيء اذا كثر رخص إلا الادب فانه اذا كثر غلا
كل شيء يبداء صغيرا ثم يكبر إلا المصيبه فإنها تبداء كبيرة ثم تصغر
الضمير صوت هادئ . يخبرك بأن احدا ينظر اليك
لا تشكو للناس جرحا انت صاحبه .... لا يألم الجرح الا من به ألم
اغارمن كلماتي حينما اهديها لك .. فتعجبك كلماتي ولا اعجبك انا
جميل جدا ان تجعل من عدوك صديقا .واجمل ألا يتسع قلبك للعداوة فتكرهه على تحويلها إلى صداقة
ليس العار في ان نسقط .. ولكن العار ان لا نستطيع النهوض
الانسان دون امل كنبات دون ماء
ودون ابتسامة كوردة دون رائحة
انه دون حب كغابة احترق شجرها
الانسان دون إيمان وحش في قطيع لا يرحم
إنه من المخجل التعثر مرتين بالحجر نفسه
للذكاء حدون لكن لا حدود للغباء
طعنة العدو تدمي الجسد . و طعنة الصديق تدمي القلب
حتى ولو فشلت يكفي شرف المحاولة

الأربعاء، 29 أغسطس 2012

Top 25 Wild Bird Photographs

We received over 2,000 photographs for this week’s “Top 25″… Join our Wild Bird Revolution and introduce your friends to freedom and splendor of birds in the wild! Wild, free-living birds are ambassadors of the natural habitat they depend upon. Some eat only meat, while other eat only nectar. Some migrate from Cape Town to Siberia between seasons, while others stay at home to protect their patch. Some live 99% of the time in the sky, others live almost entirely underwater. The birds of the world have an astounding diversity of color, design, function, grace, power and creativity that can only come from millions of years of mastering life on earth, or, should I say, in the air. These feathered aviators come from the age of the dinosaurs and their ancestors can be found as ancient fossils from prehistory. From pole to pole they had just about found a home and a place everywhere, in the air, under the waves, in the branches, in your garden, above cities, and in our forests. We need to do everything we can as a society to ensure that future generations have the amazing diversity of birds in their gardens, towns, parks, reserves and wilderness areas that we still have…
Advances in digital photography have given us the opportunity to capture the beauty and freedom of birds in the wild like never before. In January 2011, the Wild Bird Trust set up a Facebook page with the intention of celebrating free flight and birds in the wild from around the world. Here are the “Top 25 Wild Bird Photographs of the Week” drawn from thousands of photographs submitted to the Wild Bird Trust. Celebrate the freedom and splendor of birds in the wild with us and stimulate positive change by sharing how beautiful the birds of the world really are…
Please join the Wild Bird Trust page on Facebook or follow us on Twitter to receive all wild bird photo updates and join the Wild Bird Revolution. Submit your own photos and become part of this important public awareness campaign to bring the magic of wild birds to the world. Prepare to be blown away every week…
Debapratim Saha
Canary flycatchers are restricted to SE Asia where they breed in upland to montane oak and other broad-leaved forests in temperate to tropical S Asia, from Pakistan, India and Sri Lanka to Indonesia and S China. (Debapratim Saha)
Anja Denker
Rock kestrel and their closest cousins are widespread throughout Europe, Asia, and Africa, preferring a variety of habitats with close proximity to rocky outcrops. (Anja Denker)
Chris Krog
Retz's Helmetshrikes mobve around in flocks of between 5 and 30 individuals, which become nomadic in response to food stress. They are found throughout S, central and E Africa. (Chris Krog)
Suranjan Mukherjee
European robin perched on a signboard asking people not to feed birds. Photographed on a winter's morning in Cannock Chase (Staffordshire, UK) where garden birds has been developing skin infections most likely from feeding on food left out by local residents (e.g. stale bread). (Suranjan Mukherjee)
Suranjan Mukherjee
Brown shrikes have a distinctive black "bandit-mask" through the eye and are found in open scrub habitats perched on the tops of thorny bushes in search of prey. They are widespread and breed in temperate Asia, migrating to tropical Asia during winter. (Suranjan Mukherjee)
Justin Klusener
Southern white-faced scops-owl prefer a wide range of woodland habitat situated along dry river beds. They are locally common residents and feed on a numerous invertebrate and vertebrate prey. (Justin Klusener)
Antero Topp
Harlequin ducks breed along cold, fast-moving streams in NW and NE North America, Greenland, Iceland and W Russia. The eastern North American population is declining and is considered endangered. Photographed in Stykkisholmur (Iceland). (Antero Topp)
Debapratim Saha
Sapphire flycatchers are found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam where they prefer subtropical or tropical moist montane forests. (Debapratim Saha)
Soumya Sundar Chakraborty
Yellow-vented flowerpeckers are found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam. They prefer subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests. (Soumya Sundar Chakraborty)
Debapratim Saha
Red-headed trogons are found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam, preferring subtropical or tropical moist lowland forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests. (Debapratim Saha)
Pushpal Goswami
Rose-ringed parakeet is a gregarious tropical Afro-Asian parakeet species that has an extremely large distributional range and have demonstrated an ability to establish feral populations in cities around the world. (Pushpal Goswami)
Debapratim Saha
Red crossbills breed in the spruce forests of North America. They specialize in feeding on conifer cones (particularly spruces). Their unusual bill shape is an adaptation to assist the extraction of the seeds from the cones. (Debapratim Saha)
Justin Klusener
NarinaTrogons are the most widespread and generalist in their habitat preferences of the three Apaloderma trogons. Their name is "Khoikhoi" in origin and is believed to come from the mistress of the French ornithologist, François Le Vaillant. They are distributed from Sierra Leone to Ethiopia, and E Africa to South Africa. (Justin Klusener)
Debapratim Saha
Long-tailed broadbills are found in the Himalayas, SE Asia, and Indonesia, and are the only bird in the genus Psarisomus. They are highly sociable and normally travels in large, noisy flocks. (Debapratim Saha)
Soumya Sundar Chakraborty
Little ringed plovers breed in open gravel areas near freshwater, including gravel pits, islands and river edges throughout Europe and western Asia. They nest on the ground on stones with little or no plant growth. (Soumya Sundar Chakraborty)
Bulan Chakraborty
White-throated kingfishers are distributed throughout Eurasia and feed on a wide range of prey that includes small reptiles, amphibians, crabs, small rodents, and even birds. (Bulan Chakraborty)
Justin Klusener
Grey crowned cranes are found in the dry savannas of Africa south of the Sahara. They have a booming call that involves the inflation of the red gular sac (pictured), producing a honking sound quite different from the trumpeting of other crane species. (Justin Klusener)
Debapratim Saha
Green-tailed sunbirds are found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam, preferring temperate forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests. (Debapratim Saha)
Antero Topp
Great northern diver is distributed throughout Eurasia and North America. have disappeared from some lakes in eastern North America due to the effects of acid rain and pollution, as well as lead poisoning from fishing sinkers and mercury contamination from industrial waste. Photographed here in Myvatn (Iceland). (Antero Topp)
Debapratim Saha
Great Indian hornbills are found in the forests of Nepal, India, the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra, Indonesia. They are considered "Near Threatened" and are listed on CITES Appendix I. (Debapratim Saha)
Israel Momin
Crested serpent eagles are found in forested habitats across tropical Asia. Photographed here in Meghalaya (NE India). (Israel Momin)
Gareth Robbins
Cape weavers are endemic to South Africa and occur in grasslands, agricultural lands, and fynbos habitats, which are near rivers. They form noisy colonies in tall trees and reedbeds. (Gareth Robbins)
Pushpal Goswami
Common kingfishers have a wide distribution across Eurasia and North Africa. They are also known as the Eurasian kingfisher or river kingfisher. (Pushpal Goswami)
Allan Holland
Purple herons breed in Africa, central and S Europe, as wella as S and E Asia. They have a slow flight pattern that shows off the amazing markings on the retracted neck. (Allan Holland)
Debapratim Saha
Ruby-cheeked sunbirds are found in the forests of found in Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, India, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Thailand, and Vietnam. (Debapratim Saha)